Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds -Where to Buy Pumpkin Seeds Online

We have already started making pumpkin pies and cutting up our pumpkins. We have to test our recipes before Halloween or Thanksgiving, right? The kids gobbled up the pumpkin seeds the same day we made them - even though I had intended they bring them to school for a snack. Since the health benefits of pumpkin seeds are numerous, and they a great source of phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, iron, etc., I am thrilled when the family reaches for the pumpkin seeds instead of chips or candy.

If you want salted, roasted pumpkin seeds, it is best to cook the seeds in boiling salted water for 20 minutes, to get the salt to the inside kernel. You can add some extra sea salt with oil when you are roasting them in the pan. This may not be the healthiest cooking method, but they are delicious. Since you have already boiled the seeds, there is no need to roast them at a low temperature - try 325 degrees C. Make sure your seeds dry between the boiling & roasting - otherwise they will spend a long time in the oven. If you are not sure how to prepare your seeds, watch this great video tutorial I found online.

I was a little dismayed on how few seeds we got out of 3 pumpkins. Since they are so nutritious, and they can be brougt to school as a safe snack, I checked out buying them online. You can get raw or already roasted ones, and pumpkin seeds with flavors already added in. I am posting a link for easy ordering, if you want to stock up for your family. They will keep for a month or more when properly stored - but I don't expect them to last more than a couple of days around this house.

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